What awaits

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kittens Revenge

"laugh all you want"
the cat says to the other animals,
head held high and proud.
"why do I have to be so inferiour?"
he really says in his head,
feeling weak and useless to be nothing more than-
"a worthless helpless kitten"
mocked by the other animals,
bigger, stronger, and much more viscous.
"one day"
the kitten reminds himself,
"one day i will be better than you"

cats bliss

the black cat hides
under golden/orange leaves.
confused on the troubles of the world,
he hold his head high.
alone and cold,
disconnected from the world.
fallow the warmth,
helping hands are hard to find,
the chill holds nothing to desire.
let me see your bruises,
hold them high for everyone to see
harm is one way of saying im better than you.
oblivious the black cat plays,
in that sand box of the corrupting world.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

9 ways of looking at ones self

paint my pains,
along side my facade.

be one with your dirt
it created you after all.

reach for the unreachable
dissapointment comes with looking down

feel the pains of ignorance
its only matrial items adding to miseray

second hand emotions tend
to the pain of pleasure

pushing yourself harder
to end back at the start

abstract portions of reality
pices of your self left behind

vegatate to something soothing
waste the hours of life you wont have in death.

looking back once more
find what can define you

four ways to view a serial killer

i see this human
as nothing more than a human,
but, a human gone mad.

i know this person,
i know them as family,
loving, caring, and SANE.

i love this person,
full of mistakes,
a deciver, yet, loved and loving.

i am this prisoner,
i am sane and intellagent,
you never knew it was coming.
